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How to Overcome Baby Breech

How to Overcome Baby Breech

Babies are said to breech if at the time of pregnancy, the baby's position is not appropriate. When will be born, head position should be under. If the breech, head is above the uterus, so the first part of the body will come out is the buttocks, legs, and even elbows. Things like this often happen and make the delivery process longer and more difficult. Handling is required from a qualified midwife.
Usually this condition will be known when the age of the womb ahead of 32 weeks. If until that time the baby's position has not changed, then a cesarean operation is likely to be performed. This is because the position of an abnormal baby can make the birth canal closed and even can threaten safety. Special treatment is required in order to overcome this condition.

Overcoming Breeding Baby Towards Normal Delivery

A normal labor is the absolute desire of all mothers who want to give birth. If the baby is breech, then the expected normal birth process was forced to be dumped. For that, immediately do the following things once the doctor or midwife says that your baby is breech:

1. Performing the Supine Position

This position will help the baby justify his position in the womb. Way, please you lie on the mat. Then, take a pillow and place it between the buttock and stomach so that the position of the hips to be lifted. Then, take a deep breath and exhale. You should relax while doing this technique. If uncomfortable, put the base under the head but do not get the head position higher than the stomach.

2. Use Ice

Cold objects provide stimulation to the baby for him to move. It is expected that in the movement of the baby can rotate so that the head position will change below. How to grab something cold like ice, frozen fruit, frozen vegetables, whatever the origin safe and wrap with cotton. Then place on the stomach. Approximately in the baby's head. Generally the baby does not like the cold so he will move away.

3. Following Gymnastic Pregnant and Diligent Sports

Doing gymnastics can encourage the baby to move to change position. Consult your baby gym instructor, what kind of movements might help overcome your breech baby. Doing other sports like swimming can also help you. In addition to stimulating the baby's movement, swimming can make the pelvis wider so that the delivery process will be easier.

4. Stimulation With Song or Sound

Stepping into the thirty-two weeks' content of the womb means the ability of the baby's senses including hearing to begin functioning. You can set up classical or spiritual songs to be played by the baby. Perform for 10 - 15 minutes per day at least 4 times a day by putting the earphones above or below the abdomen. Stimulation of the song will trigger the movement of the baby.

5. Doing Small Massage

Usually midwives will teach you to give a little massage in the area around the womb. Put your right hand under your abdomen and left hand at the top. Perform a one-way rotate for 10-15 minutes. To be more comfortable, you can use olive oil, baby oil, or safe moisturizing fluid for pregnant women. Massage will stimulate the baby to move around.

6. Hypnobrithing

This method is well known and increasingly popular in the world of pregnancy because it is very safe and effective to help overcome the breech baby. Encourage your baby to communicate like to talk to people in general. Ask him to move towards the normal position. Do it often, at least three times a day. Usually because of the strong inner bond, the baby will hear your words.

7. Lighting Stimulation

Sit down in a position you find most comfortable. Ask for help to your husband or family to turn on the flashlight and shine on the belly from the front, back and top in turn. Do it over and over again. Use the flashlight with the brightest light so that it can stimulate the baby to move to follow the light.

8. Using Homeopathic

Is a type of drug that serves to encourage the baby to move from the top to the cervix. This drug is still classified as a new finding that has not circulated freely, you can get it in a particular hospital. Should consult your doctor first before deciding to consume it.

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